Hello once again. The blog posts continue, as does the workload. I certainly have a lot on my plate this month. No shortage of work to be done here. The challenge is going to be balancing the workload so I can get all four of my projects finished by the 30th. One is almost complete. One has received a bit of planning but needs some legwork applied. One has received some more planning but also needs the legwork. And one is on its way to completion if I can maintain daily progress. It is looking like the most difficult month this year for completing all of my projects, but I think it’ll just be that much more satisfying when I get all four done on time.

In other news, Mager Day is coming up this Tuesday, a day dedicated to moving beyond where you are now. The goal is to create something new on that day, something that will carry with you throughout the rest of the year. It could be a character, a story, a drawing, a recipe, a tune, a theory, a quote, even a memory. What makes the day special is the incentive to create. Creativity is our universal superpower, so I’d encourage everyone to participate, even if it’s the only day of the year you choose to make use of it.

That’s all for now! Time to get back to work! Make the most!