Endings and Beginnings

After a year of work on the site, my projects, and myself, we've finally arrived at the last blog post of 2021. Now that we've reached this point, it's time for me to reflect on what I've done this year and what I'd like to do next year. 2021 was a terrific year of experimentation, allowing me to stress test…

What To Do Next

The end of the year is swiftly approaching, one year after I started doing these weekly blog posts. This might be the time to say something like "I can't believe it's happened so fast," but really I'd say it feels like it's been a year of development. All the time I spent writing the first 5 chapters of Wakeup Call,…

Tis the Season to Be Working

So now that episode 5 of Wakeup Call has been completed, I've started making plans for episode 6 and on. However, after reaching this milestone, I wanted to pause and map out my strategy for next year, since I've concluded that I will need assistance to meet next year's goal of 10 episodes. I can foresee a lot of areas…

Counting to Five

I am once again on the home stretch for completion of my next comic episode. Really excited to release this next one, as I've put in a lot of effort into the script and done a lot of forward planning for future chapters. I've still got quite a bit more to work out, so I plan to spend much of…

Better Than Before

Progress can be a difficult thing to measure when you don't have an effective yardstick. When your goal is raw improvement, the signs of progress only tend to manifest when you start comparing over long periods of time. With my goal to improve at art specifically, it can be boiled down to a simple question of "Can I draw something…

Art Break

You ever have those moments when you're stranded on a desert island and don't have a boat? And you're surrounded by the resources needed to make a boat, but you lack the technical know-how to make one, so you just resort to scooping ocean water by the handful over and over again in an attempt to clear a path forward?…

On Track for Completion

Heya heya. Mager Blutooth here with another blog post and status update. This past week has been another huge investment into art making, to see what I can accomplish when I throw myself into my work. Compared to some of the earlier months, November seems relatively chill, so I'm hoping I'll have some time for extra credit work. I've got…

Now is the Time for Art

I often find that my motivation and inspiration come in cycles. Some months I am working through ideas and existing projects thinking how I am ever able to spend 7-8 hours a day working nonstop on a single big project with passion and energy. And then one month, all of a sudden, there isn't anything I would rather do. I've…

Firing All Cylinders

So last week I mentioned I was working on a special new project that would finally let me make another YouTube video. At the same time, I was going through another phase of feeling disappointed with my current ability to produce artwork. So I should have known that it would result in me starting up two more projects within the…

Music is Just Art With Sound

Last week I determined that I had a new idea for a YouTube video and was going to pursue it. Now it's turned into something else entirely. The good news is that I'll probably still get a YouTube video out of it, but it may take a little longer than a month and a half to get it done. In…